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Доброго дня! Пропоную перелік цікавих відео з тренувальними вправами  для кращого вивчення нових слів та засвоєння теми "My House/ My Flat".

Rooms in the House Vocabulary

Rooms in the House
  • Living room – the main room in a house where people relax, watch television, …
  • Bathroom – a room where there is a bath or shower, a basin, and sometimes a toilet
  • Kitchen – the room where you prepare and cook food
  • Bedroom – a room for sleeping in
  • Garden – the area of land next to a house, where there are flowers, grass, and other plants, and often a place for people to sit
  • Garage – a building for keeping a car in, usually next to or attached to a house
Rooms in the House Vocabulary – Image
Rooms in the House - Image


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