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Сообщения за апрель, 2020
28. 04. 2020 Grammar Card 2 4 1.     Write the plural . A toy-___________                       a piano-_________________ a fox- ______________                  a goose-__________________ a woman   -_____________           a cliff-_________________ a ferry - ____________                   a mouse-__________________      a brush-______________             a spaceman_______________      a person -____________               a child -    _________________ 2.     Open the brack...
24. 04. 2020 Unit 2. Homes The Past Simple Tense (Минулий простий час) Studen. Book, p. 21 Task 1. Complete the paragraph with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. (to write) Homework 1) Workbook p. 15 (to write)
22. 04. 2020 Unit 2. Homes Student's Book, page 20 Dipika's Story Vocabulary Task 1. Read these words. 1. to grow up –(grew up in the Past Simple) ставати дорослим 2. poor [puə] 1. 1) бідний, незаможний 3. hard [ h ɑː d ] важкий, тяжкий (про працю) 4. lucky [' l ʌ k ɪ]   щасливий; вдалий; удачливий 5. to collect [kə'lekt] 1) збирати, збиратися 6. rubbish ['rʌbɪʃ]   мотлох, сміття 7. a bucket ['bʌkɪt] відро 8. to come from - виходити з 9. wealthy ['welθɪ] 1) багатий, заможний 10. to die [daɪ]   умирати 11. a rug [rʌg] килим 12. a nurse [nɜːs] медсестра 13. a hospital ['hɒspɪtl] лікарня 13. a washing machine ['wɒʃɪŋməˌʃiːn] пральна машина 14. an oven ['ʌv(ə)n] піч; духовка 15. a balcony ['bækənɪ] балкон 16. a bookcase ['bʊkkeɪs] книжкова шафа 17. a floor [flɔː] 1. 1) підлога 2) поверх; ярус 18. a microwave oven [ˌmaɪkrəweɪv'ʌv(ə)n] мікрохвильова піч 19. a roof [ruːf]   ...
21. 04. 2020 Dear students! Cambridge Lesson 5
21.04.2020 Answers ( Відповіді ) Grammar Card  2 3 1.       Write the plural . A toy  - toy s                                         a tooth  – teeth A tomato  – tomato es                        a louse - lice A brush - brush es                             a lady- lad ies A glass- glass es                                a leaf- lea ...
17.04.2020 Grammar Card 2 3 1.      Write the plural . A toy - _____________                           a tooth - _______________ A tomato –__________ _                        a louse - _________________ A brush - ____________                        a lady- _________________ A glass-_______________                     a leaf-_________________      A person - _____________                     a witch- ______________ A proof- ______________ ...
16. 04. 2020 Speaking Club  Hello dear children! Welcome to Speaking Club! The theme of our lesson is "Animals and My Pet". Today you are going to: Ø      Learn new words Ø      watch a cartoon about Binka Ø      sing a song T: Now you are going to watch a vocabury. Watch this video and you will learn some new words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5aVK0APPkU     T: As you know, animals can be domestic and wild, also we can have pets. Domestic animals live on a farm such as cows, hens, sheep. Wild animals live in the fields and forests such as tigers, lions and foxes. Pets are animals that live at home. We take care of them. Today we are going to watch a cartoon about Binka the cat! Watching a Cartoon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl3poQgFJgE T: Watch a cartoon and be ready to answer the following questions: 1.       Is Binka a wi...
 16. 04. 2020 Cambridge Lesson 4
15.04.2020 Hello dear students ! Пропоную цікаву підбірку відео для повторення Irregular Verbs ( неправильних дієслів ) in the Past Simple Tense   ( у минулому простому часі) 1)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSkTdGjM5q8 2)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs9_64pxISc 3)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj_t_3y6f4Q 3)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA3NFtLc22k 2) Now it is time to practise the Past Simple Tense:
14.04.2020 Lesson 3 Homes Student's Book, page 18 The Past Simple ( Ми нулий час ) Ствердження Заперечення Питання I work ed  yesterday. Я працював вчора . I  didn't  work yesterday. Я не працював вчора . Did you  work yesterday? Ти працював вчора ? + V ed V 2 + ... + did + not + V + ... Did + + V + ... ? did not   =   didn't QW + did + + V + ... ? –  підмет V –  перша (словникова) форма дієслова; V 2 – друга форма неправильного ді...